OTA_ResRetrieveRS / OTA_HotelResNotifRQ


Sample Xml

<OTA_ResRetrieveRS xmlns="http://www.opentravel.org/OTA/2003/05" Version="1.0" TimeStamp="2005-08-01T09:32:47+08:00" EchoToken="echo-abc123"> <Success/> <ReservationsList> <HotelReservation CreateDateTime="2007-12-09T08:51:45.000+0000" ResStatus="Book"> <POS> <Source> <RequestorID Type="22" ID="SITEMINDER"/> <BookingChannel Primary="true" Type="7"> <CompanyName Code="WTF">Wotif</CompanyName> </BookingChannel> </Source> </POS> <UniqueID Type="14" ID="WTF-001"/> <UniqueID Type="16" ID="1243132" ID_Context="MESSAGE_UNIQUE_ID"/> <RoomStays> <RoomStay> <RoomTypes> <RoomType RoomTypeCode="DR"/> </RoomTypes> <RatePlans> <RatePlan RatePlanCode="RAC" EffectiveDate="2013-03-12" ExpireDate="2013-03-15"/> </RatePlans> <RoomRates> <RoomRate RoomTypeCode="DR" RatePlanCode="RAC" NumberOfUnits="1"> <Rates> <Rate UnitMultiplier="3" RateTimeUnit="Day" EffectiveDate="2013-03-12" ExpireDate="2013-03-15"/> </Rates> </RoomRate> </RoomRates> <GuestCounts> <GuestCount AgeQualifyingCode="10" Count="1"/> </GuestCounts> <TimeSpan Start="2013-03-12" End="2013-03-15"/> <BasicPropertyInfo HotelCode="10107"/> </RoomStay> </RoomStays> <ResGlobalInfo> <HotelReservationIDs> <HotelReservationID ResID_Type="14" ResID_Value="BDC-12345"/> <HotelReservationID ResID_Type="34" ResID_Value="74a63a92-d988334"/> </HotelReservationIDs> </ResGlobalInfo> </HotelReservation> </ReservationsList> </OTA_ResRetrieveRS>

Additional HotelReservationID

To use the Payments in pmsXchange function the PMS will first need to be certified with Siteminder and subsequently be enabled to accept payments from pmsXchange. The PMS will also need to handle an additional identification value that contains the “Payment Context ID”. This new ID identifies the master record of all the payments taken for a Siteminder reservation.

Enabled PMS will see an additional HotelReservation / ResGlobalInfo / HotelReservationIDs / HotelReservationID element to the reservation XML. The OTA Unique ID type for the payment context ID will always be "34" (Master reference).

OTA_ResRetrieveRS / OTA_HotelResNotifRQ







HotelReservationIDs / HotelReservationID


Reference number/string or PNR as supplied by the Booking agent will be supplied here. If this reservation is linked under an itinerary, the itinerary id given by the source booking agent will be supplied in a second.



Will be one of the following values:

14: OTA code for 'Travel Agent PNR'. If this type is used the @ResID_Value will be the reservation identifier as provided by the source booking channel.

26: OTA code for 'Associated itinerary reservation'. If this type is used the @ResID_Value will be the itinerary identifier for one or more bookings in an itinerary as provided by the source booking channel.

34: OTA code for “Master Reference”. If this type is used the @ResID_Value will be the identifier for auxiliary messages, such as payment transactions.



Reference number/string for the ResID_Type. ResID_Value could potentially contain special characters such '/'.