
SiteConnect is SiteMinder's interface to connect with booking channels.

It contains a set of Open Travel Alliance (OTA) compliant messages that allows

  • SiteMinder to query a list of rooms in the connected booking channel for a particular hotelier to allow hoteliers to map booking channel rooms to SiteMinder rooms for easier setup and processing.

  • SiteMinder to push availability, restrictions and rates to the connected booking channels.

  • The connected booking channels to push reservations, modifications and cancellations to SiteMinder.

Supported OTA Messages

  • OTA_HotelAvailRQ/RS - Used to retrieve a list of active rooms and rates for a hotel from the Booking Channel side.

  • OTA_HotelAvailNotifRQ/RS - Used to update availability and restrictions.

  • OTA_HotelRateAmountNotifRQ/RS - Used to update rates and additional features.

  • OTA_HotelResNotifRQ/RS - Used to deliver reservations, modifications and cancellations.


Communication between both systems is via the exchange of SOAP messages over secure HTTP (HTTPS). Operations are synchronous request/response pairs. A message is considered to be atomic and is either processed entirely or not at all by the Web Service.


Encryption should be provided by the transport layer via HTTPS. Each message contains a WS-Security (WSSE) UsernameToken SOAP header for authentication/authorisation purposes.

Open Travel Alliance (OTA)

The SiteConnect Web Service is based on the Open Travel Alliance (OTA) specifications for version 2010A. Although this document attempts to be technically comprehensive it is expected that the connecting system’s developers be somewhat familiar with the OTA specifications found here: http://www.opentravel.org.

API Specification