Getting Access to the Test Environment

Fill out the technical information form to start the connection process.

Each PMS connecting to pmsXchange will be given an interactive test account to get a basic connection up and running. 

Test Environment

Test Account

Web Service


WSDL:{PMS IDENTIFIER}/pmsxchange.wsdl

There are a number of known issues that will arise when using proxy generators from the .NET framework (such as wsdl.exe or svcutil.exe) with the OTA specification.
An alternative url{PMS IDENTIFIER}/pmsxchange_flat.wsdl is recommended for use for .NET clients

Establishing Connectivity

The connecting PMS can use the OTA_PingRQ to verify that the test web service is up and running and that it is able to connect.

<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="">
		<wsse:Security xmlns:wsse="">
		<OTA_PingRQ xmlns="" EchoToken="abc123" TimeStamp="2016-07-12T10:00:29.0Z" Version="1">
			<EchoData> Hello World </EchoData>
<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="">
      <OTA_PingRS EchoToken="abc123" TimeStamp="2016-07-12T10:00:29.0Z" Version="1.0" xmlns="">
         <EchoData>Hello World</EchoData>

Verifying Inventory Updates

SiteMinder has an Extranet for the PMS to check the values that were stored in SiteMinder after updates were pushed via the Inventory API.


Creating Test Reservations

SiteMinder has a service available for the PMS to generate test reservations that can be retrieved and confirmed via the Reservation API.


A valid test visa credit card number is 4111111111111111