Retrieve Reservations (OTA_ResRetrieveRS)
Reservation Request Frequency
Failed Reservations
Occupancy / Guests / Customers
Age of Guests
Arrival / Departure
Multiple RoomStays with Broken days
Occasionally we receive multiple stays with broken days, i.e. 1 - 5th May then 10 – 15th May. We would create two separate bookings into our PMS system. Each would have a separate PMS reference number.
How to deliver multiple "ResID_Value" associated with one UniqueID
For multiple rooms booking, when we send OTA_NotifReportRQ request message, the reservation interface on your side expects only one "HotelReservationID”. However, on our side, we are generating one "ResID_Value" (e.g. 048734, 048735, ...) for each roomstay. We'd like to know how we can construct the XML message so that multiple "ResID_Value" are associated with the "UniqueID" in OTA_NotifReportRQ.We are getting the error message below:
Could not validate the schema: cvc-complex-type.2.4.d: Invalid content was found starting with element 'tag0:HotelReservationID'. No child element is expected at this point.