How to test Retrieve Rooms API using Postman

The following document outlines the process of how to test Retrieve Rooms API via


  1. Download and import Retrieve Rooms API Postman collection

  2. Enter your retrieve rooms endpoint, Username, Password and TestHotelCode

  3. Post a valid OTA_HotelAvailRQ to the endpoint using the correct credentials (username/password) and HotelCode. Expecting to receive a Success OTA_HotelAvailRS.

  4. Post the same OTA_HotelAvailRQ to the endpoint using the correct HotelCode but incorrect credentials. Expecting to receive an Error OTA_HotelAvailRS: e.g. “Invalid Username and/or Password“ (see

  5. Post the same OTA_HotelAvailRQ to the endpoint using the correct credentials but incorrect HotelCode. Expecting to receive an Error OTA_HotelAvailRS: e.g. “Hotel not found for HotelCode=XXXXXX“ (see

This OTA_HotelAvailRQ will be sent to the endpoint with the details that you have provided.

Further information on the request and required response can be found here

The soap action we are sending is ""HotelAvailRQ""
The content type of your response should be "text/xml; charset=utf-8"
Ensure that the response does not contain Byte-order mark or not viewable special characters

Note that you may need to whitelist the requestor’s IP address if applicable.