Retrieve Rooms / Room Rates (OTA_HotelAvail)

Retrieve Rooms

No. Based on the agreement between the Hotel and the Booking Channel, the Room Types and Rate Plans the hotel chooses to sell on your platform will need to be set up with the Booking Channel first.

SiteConnect will then send through a Room Retrieval Request (OTA_HotelAvailRQ) and ask the Booking Channel to return all Room and Rate options available for this particular Hotel.

Once this list is received, the Hotel will perform a 1-1 mapping between the Channel Room Rate and the SiteMinder Room Rate for inventory feed purposes.

This is internally used by our Support Team.

No, we don't have this functionality in the SiteConnect API

The Room Retrieves need to be updated, then a full certification process needs to be done. For releasing the change, we can set the rateplan as optional while in the transition period. Properties need to do remapping their room-rateplan to the channel.

If update rate plan description in the recon without code change, the hotel need re-save the mapping in the channel manager, otherwise the description will not change in the channel manager. It won't break the connection as the code doesn't change.