Test Account

If you would like a full refresh of rates and inventory, please be in contact with partner.integrations@siteminder.com

Unfortunately this is not something that is supported through our extranet. Currently, the one way to cancel reservations is for an OTA to send through reservation cancellation XML.

Agreement needs to be signed and the Recon part of the API needs to be done before SiteMinder can provide access to the test environment.

Please, send an email to our Partner Integrations Team: partner.integrations@siteminder.com, providing details about your test account request.

Unfortunately, we do not provide permanent access to our test environment as we do not have any support team that looks after it. Our tech analysts in the Partner integration's team are assigned to help a number of partners that are currently developing and certifying to our API.

Our test environment is specifically built for testing purposes and thus the infrastructure is less robust than the live environment. Also, the traffic needs to be controlled to make sure that the test environment remains consistent for all partners running tests.

We do give the opportunity to our partners already live to have temporary access to it.