EDMA Project Management - JIRA Guidelines
Our EDMA Jira Project name is “EDMA Project Management”
For major changes which need to go through our monthly prioritisation, we will create an Epic for such requests.
How to create Jira Epic
Access to this link - https://siteminder-jira.atlassian.net/jira/software/c/projects/EDMAPM/boards/655
Click Create and choose Epic under Issue type
Fill in such informations below
Assignee: EDMA team member who is the owner of this project
Epic Name: the project name
Epic Summary: short outcome/benefit to do this project
Description: more details about the project. Every successful project starts with a clear articulation and understanding of
Who is our stakeholder?
What are we doing
Why are we doing it
What will success look like?
Then click Create
How to create Story under Epic
Story is the are short requests written from the perspective of an end user. The completion of related stories contributes into completion of an epic. The purpose of a story is to articulate how a piece of work will deliver a particular value back to the customer. Note that "customers" don't have to be external end users in the traditional sense, they can also be internal customers or colleagues within your organisation who depend on your team.
Go to a specific Epic
Click '+' and choose Story under the dropdown list
Fill in ‘What needs to be done?’ to summarise of your delivery and click Create
To let others know more details about this story, open this Jira ticket and follow the story template below
As a <user>, I want to <the intent> so that <desired result>
Acceptance Criteria: defines how a particular feature could be used from an end user’s perspective. It focuses on business value, establishes the boundary of the feature’s scope and guides development.
Story: As a credit card holder, I want to view my statement (or account) balance, so that I can pay the balance due.
The acceptance criteria for this story could be:
Display statement balance upon authentication. Say for example $1560
Display total balance. For example $3560. Here the balance due from the current period is $2560 and past balance due is $2000.
Show Minimum payment due. For example $140
Show Payment due date. For example May 16th of the current month
Show error message if service not responding or timeout. For example ‘Sorry, something went wrong with the service. Please try again.’
How to create Sub-Task under Story (Not Required)
If you want to list down all of tasks to go through in order to complete a story, you can
Go to the User Story
Click Create subtask
Fill in the description (if needed).
BAU Tasks
Access to this link - https://siteminder-jira.atlassian.net/jira/software/c/projects/EDMAPM/boards/655
Click Create and choose BAU Story under Issue type
Fill a short description about this BAU Task in Summary
Select the team who requests such request in EDMA - Department Support. This is to track the volume and time spent on such tasks under particular department.
Choose Assignee
Click Create
Ad-hoc Tasks (not capture under SM-Assist)
Access to this link - https://siteminder-jira.atlassian.net/jira/software/c/projects/EDMAPM/boards/655
Click Create and choose Service Request under Issue type
Fill a short description about this BAU Task in Summary
Select the team who requests such request in EDMA - Department Support. This is to track the volume and time spent on such tasks under particular department.
Choose Assignee
Click Create