Multiple Reservations - Confirm Success and Errors
PMS request 2 new reservations and confirm that one was processed successfully and the other failed to process
- PMS sends OTA_ReadRQ message to PmsXchange requesting undelivered reservations.
- PmsXchange responds with OTA_ResRetrieveRS containing a 2 new reservations.
- PMS processes the retrieved reservations, one is successful, the other has an invalid room type.
- PMS sends OTA_NotifReportRQ confirming the first reservation was successfully processed.
- PmsXchange returns an OTA_NotifReportRS in reply.
- PMS sends OTA_NotifReportRQ confirming the second reservation was not successfully processed.
- PmsXchange returns an OTA_NotifReportRS in reply.
1) OTA_ReadRQ
PMS requests undelivered reservations from PmsXchange
<OTA_ReadRQ xmlns="" Version="1.0" TimeStamp="2005-08-01T09:30:47+08:00" EchoToken="echo-abc123"> <ReadRequests> <HotelReadRequest HotelCode="ABC"> <SelectionCriteria SelectionType="Undelivered" ResStatus="Book"/> </HotelReadRequest> </ReadRequests> </OTA_ReadRQ>
2) OTA_ResRetrieveRS
PmsXchange returns 2 reservations.
In the example below:
- There are 2 HotelReservation entries in the ReservationsList. For each reservation the first UniqueID element shows the unique identifier for the entire reservation (WTF-123456 and WTF-123457). This identifier will identify the reservation through any subsequent modifications or cancellations.
- The second UniqueID element with ID_Context='MESSAGE_UNIQUE_ID' is the unique id for this message (3102411 and 3102432). This identifier should be used to confirm the message once processed
- The attribute HotelReservationID/@ResID_Value holds the original reservation id from the original booking channel source (123456 and 123457)
<OTA_ResRetrieveRS xmlns="" Version="1.0" TimeStamp="2005-08-01T09:30:47+08:00" EchoToken="echo-abc123"> <Success/> <ReservationsList> <HotelReservation CreateDateTime="2010-01-01T12:00:00" ResStatus="Book"> <UniqueID Type="14" ID="WTF-123456"/> <UniqueID Type="16" ID="3102411" ID_Context="MESSAGE_UNIQUE_ID"/> <!-- RESERVATION DETAIL OMITTED --> <ResGlobalInfo> <HotelReservationIDs> <HotelReservationID ResID_Type="14" ResID_Value="123456"/> </HotelReservationIDs> </ResGlobalInfo> </HotelReservation> <HotelReservation CreateDateTime="2010-01-01T12:00:00" ResStatus="Book"> <UniqueID Type="14" ID="WTF-123457"/> <UniqueID Type="16" ID="3102432" ID_Context="MESSAGE_UNIQUE_ID"/> <!-- RESERVATION DETAIL OMITTED --> <ResGlobalInfo> <HotelReservationIDs> <HotelReservationID ResID_Type="14" ResID_Value="123457"/> </HotelReservationIDs> </ResGlobalInfo> </HotelReservation> </ReservationsList> </OTA_ResRetrieveRS>
3) OTA_NotifReportRQ - Confirm success
PMS confirms that message "3102411" was successfully processed and has been assigned a PMS reservation id of "PMS-1234567".
<OTA_NotifReportRQ xmlns="" Version="1.0" TimeStamp="2005-08-01T09:30:47+08:00" EchoToken="echo-abc123"> <Success/> <NotifDetails> <HotelNotifReport> <HotelReservations> <HotelReservation CreateDateTime="2010-01-01T12:00:00" ResStatus="Book"> <UniqueID Type="16" ID="3102411"/> <ResGlobalInfo> <HotelReservationIDs> <HotelReservationID ResID_Type="14" ResID_Value="PMS-1234567"/> </HotelReservationIDs> </ResGlobalInfo> </HotelReservation> </HotelReservations> </HotelNotifReport> </NotifDetails> </OTA_NotifReportRQ>
4) OTA_NotifReportRS
PmsXchange indicates that the processing confirmation has been acknowledged.
<OTA_NotifReportRS xmlns="" Version="1.0" TimeStamp="2005-08-01T09:30:47+08:00" EchoToken="echo-abc123"> <Success/> </OTA_NotifReportRS>
5) OTA_NotifReportRQ - Confirm Error
PMS confirms that message "3102432" was NOT processed successfully. There is no PMS reservation id returned if the PMS was unable to store the reservation.
<OTA_NotifReportRQ xmlns="" Version="1.0" TimeStamp="2005-08-01T09:30:47+08:00" EchoToken="echo-abc123"> <Errors> <Error Type="3" Code="402">Invalid room type</Error> </Errors> <NotifDetails> <HotelNotifReport> <HotelReservations> <HotelReservation CreateDateTime="2010-11-18T16:52:00" ResStatus="Book"> <UniqueID Type="16" ID="3102432"/> </HotelReservation> </HotelReservations> </HotelNotifReport> </NotifDetails> </OTA_NotifReportRQ>
6) OTA_NotifReportRS
PmsXchange indicates that the processing confirmation has been acknowledged.
<OTA_NotifReportRS xmlns="" Version="1.0" TimeStamp="2005-08-01T09:30:47+08:00" EchoToken="echo-abc123"> <Success/> </OTA_NotifReportRS>