SiteConnect Technical Architecture Diagram

This is an overview of how SiteConnect APIs are communicating between SiteConnect and Booking Channel.
It helps to understand the functionalities of each API, and also gives an idea of how the data is exchanged between systems.

Security Requirement

All communication between the SiteMinder SiteConnect and the Booking Channel MUST be over SSL.


Room Retrieval API

SiteConnect uses OTA_HotelAvailRQ to query a list of room rates available on the booking channel.

The connected booking channel must return an OTA_HotelAvailRS with a list of RoomStays with all active room and rate combinations for the hotel.

The returned room rates will be loaded into the Channel Manager for the holier to complete the mapping.


Inventory Push API (Availability and Restrictions)

The hotelier loads their inventory (availability and restrictions) in the Channel Manager.

SiteConnect uses OTA_HotelAvailNotifRQ to send this information to the Booking Channel endpoint.

The Booking Channel should respond with the OTA_HotelAvailNotifRS as a receipt of success or failure to process the request.

Rate Push API

The hotelier loads their rates in the Channel Manager.

SiteConnect uses OTA_HotelRateAmountNotifRQ to send this information to the Booking Channel endpoint.

The Booking Channel should respond with the OTA_HotelRateAmountNotifRS as a receipt of success or failure to process the request.

SiteConnect will send the OTA_HotelAvailNotifRQ message first. Only after this message has received a successful response will the OTA_HotelRateAmountNotifRQ message be sent.


Reservation API

When a reservation is made at the Booking Channel side.

The Booking Channel uses OTA_HotelResNotifRQ to send the reservation to SiteConnect.

At this point, the reservation is already considered confirmed and valid.

When we receive the reservation, we update the hotelier's inventory in the Channel Manager.

Distribute the new inventory values to all booking channels connected to the hotel (including yourself), and pass the reservation information on to the hotel's property management system (PMS) only if the hotel’s PMS is integrated with the Channel Manager.

With the exclusion of availability being adjusted when a reservation is received, there is NO method for a booking channel to update the Channel Manager. The intention is that the hotelier is no longer required to log in and manually update their ARI data on their booking channels, as it is being handled by us (SiteMinder Channel Manager) with automatic updates being sent to you via a web service whenever a change is made in their Channel Manager account. This can either be by an automated change (such as a reservation or PMS integration), or the hotelier manually adjusting the ARI data in the Channel Manager.